Thursday, December 16, 2010

13 December 2010 – 14 December 2010 – Machu Picchu

·        Arrived into Machu Picchu after a 3 hour train ride to torrential rain but went up anyway
·        We were rewarded at times when the clouds broke and the rain stopped

                Before                                                                After

·        4am start the next day so we could be at Machu Picchu by the 6am opening time to get one of the 400 tickets each day to climb Wayna Picchu (mountain next to the ruins and in the background of the photo above)
·        Wayna Picchu is 2635m and took about an hour to scramble to the top
·        Pretty tough walk but the brilliant views made it worth it

Scrambling to the top................
At the top of Wayna Picchu

The stairs were steep!

·        Some other pictures once we had made it back down from Wayna Picchu

The resident lawn mowers!
Wayna Picchu in the background

The Inca's View!

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