Thursday, November 04, 2010

10 October 2010 - Masai Mara National Reserve

Clare and her new love 'camping'

  • Bumpy road to the Masai Mara National Reserve – home of the Masai tribe.
  • Easy introduction to the camping aspects of the trip as we had our own bed inside a massive tent
  • Afternoon game drive, saw lots of Gazelles, Zebras and Wildebeest (as they haven’t started the migration to the Serengeti yet)
  • Then one of our 4x4’s spotted a lion so we moved a bit closer - at one stage I could have put my hand out of the window and patted his head!
  • Campsite wasn’t fenced and animals were free to roam. The Masai warriors were on patrol all night, spears in hand, to keep any animals away from the tents

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