Monday, November 15, 2010

26 October 2010 - Lake Malawi / Day Care Centre

·        Visited a day care centre (children 2-5 years) based on Kande Beach set up and run by an Australian lady using private donations

·        The kids were great fun, showing us their songs and dances they had learnt. So well behaved at queuing for their morning porridge

·        Before dinner we had a surprise mock wedding ceremony for Rory and Kate and got into the mood in our cross dressing outfits – mine was particularly bad - thankfully we didn’t have our camera there that night and haven’t managed to get copies yet so no incriminating photos to upload I’m afraid!
·        Pig spit roast for dinner this evening (mmmm crackling!)

1 comment:

  1. cant wait to see mock wedding photos!!!!!

    have a great time in buenos aires,amigos
