Monday, November 15, 2010

25 October 2010 - Lake Malawi / Mzuzu Market

·        Driving day before arriving at Kande Beach on Lake Malawi
·        Stopped off en route to buy a fancy dress outfit for our ‘African Party’ tomorrow (each person on the trip picked a name out of a hat and bought an outfit for that person) – cross dressing was the order of the day
·        Stopped off at a craft market for some serious haggling
·        As always, we’re a novelty for the locals – we are known as ‘Mzungos’ to them! One of the guys played soccer with the locals when we stopped at one of the markets

·        Clare finally convinced me to ditch the tent and upgrade to a cabin – smart move in the end as it came with a fan and from what we heard the rest of the crew suffered big time in their tents!

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